Origins Salon [2017]
Published in Past Events
Our Origins Salon in 2017 explored some key concepts on where our thinking comes from, and how it can be advanced in a number of ways.
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Published in Past Events
Our Origins Salon in 2017 explored some key concepts on where our thinking comes from, and how it can be advanced in a number of ways.
Published in Core Team
Andreia is our Brazilian-born superpower, bringing high energy and extensive experience to our marketing and communications portfolio!
Published in News
As we put the wrap on "FLOW: Connecting the Dots", we have some post-event thoughts to share and celebrate!
First and foremost, a HUGE thank you to everyone who made the event possible. All of our events are a community effort, and we want to recognize each in turn...
Speakers and Performers. We start with our speakers and performers, whose talks are the core of the event. All of them put their best heart and soul efforts into preparing and refining their talks in the months and weeks leading to the event, and they delivered the talks of a lifetime on our stage.
Volunteers. Behind the speakers and the event were the efforts of more than 35 volunteers, who collectively contributed more than 5,000 hours of effort over the course of the year in planning and executing all aspects of the event. We truly are a volunteer-powered effort, and our team this year introduced innovations such as special sensory accommodations for neuro-diverse participants, closed captioning, and a series of local food vendors.
Interactions Partners. In the event itself, we had more than 15 interactions partners who brought intriguing displays and experiences to the event, ranging from finding your poetic voice to live art to print-making to ground water simulators. Also as part of our interactions, we took a different approach to our refreshments by inviting smaller local businesses to provide samples of their amazing wares, including ice cream, honey, Brazilian dishes, locally-produced coffee, and much more!
Our Visionary Partners. Behind all of our efforts were this year's visionary partners. Aspen Properties has been an exceptional supporter of our efforts, providing both the amazing space of The Ampersand venue and facilitating our efforts with their exceptional team (a very special shout-out to Aimsley, who was our main contact this year and handled the event with consumate skill and grace). The University of Calgary was instrumental in bringing together a number of the interactions, and in promoting the event to University alumni and students, and also provided special speakers from the University's Three Minute Thesis Competition within the Faculty of Gradute Studies. We had additional finalists in the event interacting with our participants, and also valued members of the Univerity of Calgary Graduate College available to talk about their research.
The Photo and A/V Team. When we hold an event, the talks are being recorded "live to tape". That means we have to have an exceptional crew of creatives to record, photograph, and edit the talks and all that goes on around them. We recognize our main videographer, Chris Hsiung and Hidden Story Productions, who have been partners for most of the last decade. Alberta Bass was new to our event this year as our A/V supplier, and their efforts were outstanding. Last but certainly not least, our photographers brought their professional skills to immortalizing so many amazing moments throughout the day (see their work on our Flickr site and check out their individual sites at
Special Remarks by the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, The Honourable Salma Lakhani, AOE B.Sc., LLD (Hon). As this was our 15th Anniversary as an organizing team, it was a very special honour to have the Lieutenant Governor provide opening remarks. Her focus on the valuable role of volunteering and building community was heartening to us, as both of these underpin our ongoing efforts to bring ideas to our local community.
An insight that we had with the event this year is that "flow" doesn't always occur in the ways that we expect. As always, there were highs and lows in the organizing effort, and we surmounted each challenge in turn with the energy and passion of our all-volunteer team.
It was a special time for us to be able to talk about the overall concept of "flow" at a time when we face the prospect of water scarcity this coming summer season. It is all too easy to take our friend and teacher, the Bow River, for granted as it passes serenely through the city and makes its way to Hudson Bay through various connected systems. We hope that all of our participants and you who are reading this take time to celebrate our life-giving river in your own ways this coming year, including joining in the celebrations of our water with RiverFestYYC as they launch their 2024 season.
Keep tuned for the release of the event talks in the coming months, and join our e-news bulletin or social channels for more!
Published in Community Partners
Kristy Drake was our lead photographer for 2023's TEDxWomen event, bringing her creavitve eye to capturing the spirit of our event!
Our 2024 main event, FLOW: Connecting the Dots, brought together more than 400 participants, speakers, interactions partners and volunteers for an incredible day of sharing ideas. Watch a short highlights video of the event!
We were incredibly priviledged to have Her Honour, the Honourable Dr. Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, and His Honour Dr. Zaheer Lakhani at the event to provide greetings and opening remarks on the value of ideas and volunteering in our communities.