
Website URL: http://tedxcalgary.ca

Dr. Kori Czuy - Relational Science Educator

Published in FLOW: Connecting the Dots (2024)

Dr. Kori Czuy was born in Treaty 8 by the banks of the Peace River. She's passionate about bringing together multiple ways of knowing, being, and doing science, which she gets to do as an Indigenous Science Educational Experience Consultant and through conversations on her podcast "Ancestral Science." Kori is on an ongoing journey to reconnect with and learn from the knowings of the land and cosmos, as well as helping others connect with the complexities of these knowings alongside Global science.

What does "flow" mean to you?

Flow is the connections to energy and spirit that is all around us.


FLOW is coming...

Published in News

Join us for our 2024 main annual event... FLOW: Connecting the Dots!

The concept of "flow" has been near and dear to our hearts for some time... it's that place of deep thought, profound action, and intense curiosity that takes us to a place of peak performance — whatever our chosen discipline or creative endeavour.


FLOW: Connecting the dots...

Published in TEDxCalgary Events

FLOW... it's the focused place in thinking and doing where we find inspiration, get more creative, and enter the space of mastery and peak performance.

Whatever a person's chosen discipline, it's a space where great ideas are born and where great actions come from: in workplaces, in communities, and in society.

Join our speakers as they take the stage to share and connect their ideas in FLOW, and then take a deep dive into our immersive interactions to share your own ideas and actions with other participants.

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A big "Yes, and..." Thank You!

Published in News

"How do we think our way through the messes we’re in, when the way we think is part of the mess?" – Nora Bateson

This quote, from a recent post by The Ethics Centre, perfectly describes why we called our latest event "Yes, and..." and followed an improvisational approach in selecting our speakers and performers.

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