Past Events (15)

Learn more about past TEDxCalgary events! We've had more than 12 in-person events featuring more than 150 speakers, and are proud to connect you with the amazing ideas that were shared.

Have questions? Let us know by contacting our Events team.

May 6, 2023 | 10 AM - 5 PM
Yes, and... [2023]

Yes, and... [2023]

New connections. Deep conversations.

It's a volatile, complex world out there, full of ambiguity and divisiveness. How do we work together to nurture a culture of civil, foward-looking conversation?

For us, we start with "Yes," when someone shares a long-cherished idea with us. That simple word acknowledges their courage in sharing with us, and opens up the space for us to take those ideas to a new level with our contribution of "and..." as we add our own insights and perspectives.

Over 350 participants joined our group of amazing speakers in the beautifully-remodelled Ampersand building in downtown Calgary as they shared their ideas to start the conversation rolling.

The Ampersand | 140 - 4 Ave SW
Event Playlist [YouTube]
November 18, 2020
ENGAGE: Connected [2020]

ENGAGE: Connected [2020]

We're still forced to be physically distanced by COVID, but that doesn't stop us from being connected around great ideas!

Sharing ideas that matter is actually even more important now than ever, and our ENGAGE: Connected event gave us an opportunity to explore ways we can do that until we get a chance to get back together in larger groups.

ENGAGE: Connected Playlist (YouTube)
June 20, 2019
ENGAGE: Intentionally Salon

ENGAGE: Intentionally Salon

Explore a different way of building community through deep, intentional dialogue. In the process, discover how we can help shape our sense of purpose either individually, or collectively as a city.

Our three speakers sparked our imaginations with their talks, sharing both perspectives and tools that our participants could use to engage other participants in a set of deep conversations about what YOU think we need to change about our dialogue on community. We immersed ourselves in interactions with other equally curious Calgarians, helping us generate a new and far-reaching conversation about how we define our purpose.

Memorial Park Library
Nicole Hartley Bradford, Garret C. Smith, Kris Kelly-Frere
November 3, 2018
Navigators [2018]

Navigators [2018]

Their ideas are taking us to new places.

Navigators are those special people who are pursuing the next wave of opportunity in technology, science, health, and energy among others. They are tackling big problems that need equally big thinking about solutions. And, they are helping us to explore ourselves and our time in history. Their perspectives guide us, inform us, and inspire us.

Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary
Click to view speaker profiles for Navigators 2018
May 24, 2017
Origins Salon [2017]

Origins Salon [2017]

Our Origins Salon in 2017 explored some key concepts on where our thinking comes from, and how it can be advanced in a number of ways.

Ward of the 21st Century (W21C) | University of Calgary
Origins Salon Playlist (YouTube)
November 2014
Truth(s) [2014]

Truth(s) [2014]

The second of our main events for 2014, "Truth(s)" explored the depths of what truths we hold to be important. From new dinosaur discoveries, to making the health system work, and understanding the depth of pain being suffered by our Aboriginal communities through the loss of missing and murdered Aboriginal women, our speakers and participants spoke from the heart.

Watch the talks on our YouTube channel

EEEL Building, University of Calgary
Truth(s) Playlist (YouTube)
April 29, 2010
Humanity 3.0: Leadership the World Needs Now [2010]

Humanity 3.0: Leadership the World Needs Now [2010]

It's where we started in 2010, with "Humanity 3.0: Leadership the World Needs Now" as our first event. We explored the linked themes of conflict, poverty, youth and elders at our very first TEDxCalgary event, and featured speakers like Naheed Nenshi, Nick Nissley, and many other courageous speakers who believed in what we were doing, and lent us their talents on stage.

Watch the talks on our YouTube channel

Cardel Theatre, Quarry Park
Humanity 3.0 Playlist (YouTube)
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Highlights and Thanks from FLOW: Connecting the Dots

Our 2024 main event, FLOW: Connecting the Dots, brought together more than 400 participants, speakers, interactions partners and volunteers for an incredible day of sharing ideas. Watch a short highlights video of the event!

We were incredibly priviledged to have Her Honour, the Honourable Dr. Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, and His Honour Dr. Zaheer Lakhani at the event to provide greetings and opening remarks on the value of ideas and volunteering in our communities.

Learn more about what to expect at a TEDxCalgary event!

Being at an event is a unique experience, quite different from simply watching a TED or TEDx talk online after the fact. Click to learn more about what to expect about attending one of our events in person, and why it's so worth the price of admission!